After Eight Martini
Pre-dinner cocktails are great, but what about after the meal is over and the guests want something a little more on...
Mocktails ~ A healthy CHEERS!
When doing cocktail training onboard, how frequently do you include Mocktails? My guess if you are anything like me,...
Gin & Juice
T oday is all about a classic, Gin & Juice. Last year I went to LA to go Wedding Dress shopping...
Wine: Storage
I can not believe this the fourth & final chapter of our Wine Series! Kim, THANK YOU so much for all of your...
007 Martini Bar
Bond. James Bond. The perfect iconic theme for a very special guest & his surprise birthday party. Everything from...
Wine: Cork Taint
Wine Chat is BACK! The lovely Kim has shared her input on Wine Faults today. She gets the core of what Cork Taint...
Wine: Service & Decanting
Anyone else open a bottle of wine after reading PART ONE of the wine training series?! Well, you may as well just open...
Wine: Corkscrews
Stews, I am so excited to be discussing all things wine with the incredible Kim! She's a wine connoisseur from...
Bloody Mary
L et’s face it, brunch is always a good idea. We spent the past few winters up north in Canada without guests...
Purple Haze
Ribena. A blackcurrant cordial & a childhood favourite of mine! Not only does it taste delicious, but its also...